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Complete e-book information service
Different from the conventional model for e-book sales, ASIAWORLD Technologies supplying flexible combinations for multidimensional products and systematical environment & channels for book-selection & purchase, respectively, materializes our mission to make customers buy exactly necessary and appropriate products.
Order information
How to purchase
Based on customers’ requirements for e-books supplied by ASIAWORLD, customers are able to own e–books by choosing “annual payment” or “rights to use books permanently”. Some flexible manners to pick up books are described as follows:
  1. By titles: Options for e-books shown on book lists.
  2. By collections or portfolios: A series of themes or portfolios planned and classified by ASIAWORLD considering topics, styles, or features for customers.
  3. By publishers: Sales of a portfolio of all e-books from a publisher, or sales of single books on a platform designed for the publisher exclusively as an independent platform or brand with proprietary e-books supplied for customers having alternative option different from conventional book selection.
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