<% sql = "select * from Exam_Board" if request("test_id") <> "" then sql = sql & " where test_id = '" & request("test_id") & "'" else sql = sql & " where status = '" & "Enabled" & "' and end_date > now() and start_date < now()" end if rs2.Open sql,cn2,0,1 if rs2.eof then sql ="select * from Exam_Board where status='Disabled'" rs.Open sql,cn,0,1 'response.write "
題目未開放,本活動時間為 "&rs("start_date")&" ~ "&rs("End_date")&"
" response.write "
" 'response.write "
" else test_id = rs2("test_id") end_date = rs2("end_date") i = 0 sql = "select exam_questions.question_id as question_id,sn,question_id,type,question,choice_0,choice_1,choice_2,choice_3,aspect_pic,question_pic from exam_questions_assoc left join exam_questions on exam_questions.question_id=exam_questions_assoc.question_id" sql = sql & " where test_id like '" & rs2("test_id") & "'" sql = sql & " order by ordernum asc" rs.Open sql,cn,1,1 total=rs.recordcount if total <> 0 then score = 100 /total end if while not rs.eof i=i+1 %>
問題<%=i%>: " value="<%=rs("question_id")%>" /><%=rs("question")%>
  <%if rs("aspect_pic")="Left" then%> <%end if%> <%if rs("aspect_pic")="Right" then%> <%end if%>

<%if rs("choice_3") <> "" then%>
<%end if%> <%if rs("aspect_pic")="Alone" then%> <%end if%>
<% rs.MoveNext Wend %> <% sql = "select * from Exam_Board where status ='Enabled' " rs.Open sql,cn,0,1 %>
<%if rs("com") = 1 then %> <%end if%> <%if rs("department") = 1 OR rs("job_title") = 1 then%> <%if rs("department") = 1 then%> <%end if%> <%if rs("job_title") = 1 then%> <%end if%> <%end if%> <%if rs("student_number") = 1 then%> <%end if%> <%if rs("tel") = 1 then%> <%end if%> <%if rs("addr") = 1 then%> <%end if%>
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3. 基於個資保護,本資料於活動結束後30日內刪除。
<% end if %> " />